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Selection committee procedures for Honorary Professors and Honorary Associate Professors


  1. The University may appoint distinguished people who are in a position to contribute to its scholarship through involvement in teaching and/or research as Honorary Professors or as Honorary Associate Professors. These selection procedures provide for the nomination of candidates for appointment as Honorary Professors and for the consideration of each nomination by a Senate Selection Committee.

Policy on Honorary Professorships and Honorary Associate Professors and definitions:

  1. Honorary appointments are of two kinds:
    1. a person who is the head or a senior member of an institution closely associated with the University in one or more fields of its academic activity and with the teaching and research of members of the University; or
    2. a person who by virtue of his or her-
      • status in teaching and research; or
      • achievement and distinction in professional activities would add materially and notably to the scholarship and prestige of the University as a whole

    The privileges and rights of Honorary Professors are as determined by Council and Senate from time to time (See PC 04 2008).

    Honorary Professors are not members of Senate.

    Honorary Professorships are distinct from Visiting Professorships or Adjunct Professorships.

    A person who retires from an Honorary Professorship after having served for ten or more years may be elected by Senate as an Emeritus Honorary Professor.

    The period of appointment of an Honorary Professor appointed under

    1. will be ex officio his or her holding the office by virtue of which he or she has been nominated or for as long as the institution concerned remains closely associated with UCT; or
    2. will be for a specified period, usually five years, which may be renewed on the recommendation of the standing selection committee for a further specified period.
  2. Nomination process

    A proposal for an Honorary Professorship or Associate Professorship must be made must be made by a member of Senate supported by at least one other member of Senate using nomination form HR169.

  3. Standing Selection Committee for Honorary Professorships
    1. 4.1 A standing selection committee appointed by Senate will meet twice each year to consider nominations of candidates for appointment as Honorary Professors.
    1. 4.2 The selection committee will consist of
      1. The Vice-Chancellor and the Deputy Vice-Chancellors (ex officio) one of whom will chair the committee;
      2. Three professors per faculty appointed by Senate for a four-year term of office;
      3. The Dean of a Faculty where he or she is not chosen under (b), for those meetings of the Committee which consider a nomination for an appointment in his or her faculty.

      Provided that a nominator or seconder of a candidate shall recuse himself or herself when his or her nomination is considered.

      Up to two Council observers may be invited to attend meetings of the selection committee.

    1. 4.3 A quorum will be achieved where there is one Professor from each faculty, plus the Chair.
    1. 4.4 The Selection Committee is required to consider the nominations before it and make recommendations accordingly.
  4. The Selection Committee is serviced by HR's Staff Recruitment Section

View the rights or privileges for Honorary Professors and Associate Professors.

Updated and approved by Senate, via PC09 2013
Page last updated: 15 August 2016