These get considered annually, documented in the individual departments for discussion and review in the various Development Forums. One of the key purposes of making this part of the Development Dialogues is to stimulate the thinking and encourage development of our own internal talent to fill these skills gaps (whether immediate or potential future) through succession planning.
Scarce skills
Positions with these skills are characterised by hard-to-fill vacancies or long-term vacancies, recruitment of skilled workers from outside the country to fill vacancies, and in some cases a higher salary for a particular skill.
Critical positions
It is important to note that all positions are essential. However critical positions are key leadership or specialist positions within the University that have a notable impact on the sustainability and future of the University, its faculties and departments (e.g. Academic Head of Department).
Critical skills
Critical skills relate to the critical demand for key or generic skills required currently, or in future, by staff members to ensure the sustainability and future of the University, its faculties and departments.
Page last updated: 12 May 2015